Shh, Its a Secret


At the weekend I visited the annual Secret 7" exhibition in Shoreditch, combining both my favourites of art and music. 700 individual 7" vinyl sleeves had been designed by a variety of photographers, illustrators, painters, sculptors and graffiti artists. All the sleeves are unnamed so it is a guess to who has done what and to what song. These blind designs are then sold for £45 a pop on April the 19th to raise money this year for War Child; who support young people in Afghanistan.

Famous names included that of Paul Smith and Karl Pilkington, plus a few personal favourites such as Chrissie Abbott and Kate Moross. There was also a few awesome folk that popped up who I know personally that were exhibiting, MysteryMeat and Bread Collective who do some great hand painted work!

The exhibition space had the usual Shoreditch twang about it, with a coffee bar inside, large typographic wall mural and a DJ playing some good indie tunes. I liked the way in which the pieces were displayed all split into sections as it didn’t overwhelm you with stuff to look at all at once. There was a fantastic mixed bag of styles from 3D work, illustration, hand crafted to digital.

Below is a selection of the sleeves that I have picked out which particularly caught my eye and would purchase if I was around next weekend to do so. Any guesses to who you think cold have done them?

This really is a great charity fund-raising event and it also allows lesser known creatives to have their work shown amongst top talent. This is something I would loved to be involved with next year. Find out more at

